Monday 1 August 2016


Suid-Afrikaners staan voor 'n kruispad. Die wat voorstaanders vir korrupsie, diefstal, moord, verkragtings, swak dienslewering of dikwels geen dienslewering is sal voortgaan om die ANC aan bewind te hou. Diegene wat 'n verandering wil bewillig sal 'n stem teen die party uitbring. Sommige stel voor die verkiesing van die amptelike opposisie, die DA. Christene moet egter seker maak dat hulle die party van hul keuse se standpunte  ondersteun wanneer hulle hul kruisie maak. Die atmosfeer in Suid-Afrika sal egter slegs verander wanneer die lig onder die maatemmer uitgehaal word en die hele huis verlig, of wanneer die stad op die heuwel se krag aangeskakel word sodat die lig wyd skyn en die duisternis verdryf. Christene is dus die essensiele rolspelers om die atmosfeer te verander deur intense aanhoudende gebed en selfondersoek. Suid-Afrikaners moet ook onderskeid kan tref oor watter partyleiers geweld en ongeregtigheid aanpor en watter partyleiers 'n Suid-Afrika daar wil stel waarin alle mense se vooruitgang van belang is. Mag God gee dat daar 'n vredevolle en regverdige verkiesing plaasvind en dat die duisternis nie beheer sal neem nie.

South Africans find themselves at a crossroad. Those in favor of corruption, theft, murder, rape, bad service deliverance or many times no service delivery at all, will proceed to keep the ANC in power. Those in favor of a change will vote against this party. Some are suggesting a vote for the DA, the official opposition. Christians, however, need to make sure that they endorse the views of their chosen party. The atmosphere in South Africa will only change when the light source is taken from under the bowl and put on a stand to light up the whole house, or when the power of the city on the hill is switched on so that the light coming from it shines widely and drives away the darkness. Christians are therefore essential role players to bring about change in the atmosphere through intensive continual prayer and self examination. South Africans also need to differentiate between which party leaders are instigators of violence and unrighteousness and which party leaders are promoting a South Africa where the improvement of all citizens are of importance. May God grant that a peaceful and fair election will take place and that darkness will not take control.

Friday 20 November 2015


Om God te loof in alle omstandighede, selfs wanneer ons onsself in 'n situasie bevind waar die vyand ons  totaal in wanhoop gebring het ten opsigte van die toekoms, is die les te leer uit Job se voorbeeld. Selfs nadat Job al sy besittings verloor het en sy gesondheid aangetas is, bly hy God loof. Job verstaan nie al die dinge wat met hom gebeur het nie en eis selfs in sy menslikheid dat sy geboortedag vervloek moet word. Sy vrou, daarenteen, voel dat hy God moet vloek en moet sterf, maar Job hou onwrikbaar vas aan sy geloof in God selfs al voel hy Godverlate. Mag u en ek begryp dat God in alle omstandighede God is en bly en dat ons skuiling by Hom kan vind wanneer die bose ons probeer oortuig om alle hoop te laat vaar. Moenie toegee aan die mensemoordenaar se valse invloed nie en hou aan roep tot God. Hy sal jou gebed hoor. Sy ore is nie te doof om te hoor nie en Sy arm is nie te kort om ondersteuning en uitkoms te bring nie. Inteendeel, Hy sê aan u en my dat ons ons begeertes aan Hom moet bekend maak.

To praise God in all circumstances, also when our enemy forces us into a situation of complete hopelessness regarding the future, is a lesson  to be learned from Job. Even after Job had lost all his possessions and his health had been taken away, he still chose to praise God. Job did not clearly understand why all these things happened to him and even demanded that the day of his birth be cursed. His wife's opinion, however, was that Job should rather curse God and die, but Job held steadfast on to his faith in God, even though he felt that God had left him. May you and I be comprehensive of the fact that God is God in all circumstances and that we can take refuge in Him when the evil one tries to convince us to give up all hope. Don't give in to the human murderer's false influences and keep on calling God. He will answer your prayers. His ears are not deaf to your plea and His arm not too short to support  and bring relief. In fact, He tells us to make all our heart's desires known to Him. 

Monday 2 November 2015


Tussen al die openlik demoniese moorde en korrupte, goddelose daaglikse gebeure in Suid-Afrika deur, wat geweldig toegeneem het gedurende die laaste 22 jaar onder die regering van die ANC, moet Christen volgelinge ook bewus wees van daardie goddelose mense wat hul geledere binnesluip en ook voordoen as Christene. Judas, die broer van Jakobus, was so geïriteerd deur hierdie goddelose mense, dat hy selfs die inhoud van sy brief verander het om sy mede broers en susters te waarsku teen hierdie goddelose sondaars. Judas het ons aangemoedig om onsself op te bou in ons heilige geloof, om te bid in die Gees en om in die liefde van God te bly terwyl ons op Jesus wag om ons deur Sy genade tot ewige lewe te bring. Jesus ons Verlosser is magtig om ons te bewaar van struikeling en om ons sonder gebrek voor ons Vader se heerlikheid te stel met gejuig. Aan ons Verlosser en enigste God kom toe heerlikheid, majesteit, krag en mag tot in alle ewigheid.

Among all the openly demonic murders and corrupt, ungodly daily occurrences in South Africa, which escalated profoundly under the reign of the ANC over the last 22 years, Christian followers also need to be aware of those ungodly people who infiltrate their ranks under pretension that they are also Christians. Jude, the brother of James, was so irritated by these ungodly people, that he changed the content of his letter to warn his fellow brothers and sisters about these ungodly sinners. Jude urges us to build ourselves up in our holy faith, pray in the Spirit and to stay in God's love while we await Jesus to bring us to eternal life through His mercy. Jesus our Savior is able to keep us from falling and to present us before our Father's glorious presence without fault and with great joy. To our Savior and only God belongs glory, majesty, power and authority for evermore.

Saturday 31 October 2015


Jesus het, toe Hy geweet het dat Hy na Sy en ons Vader sou terugkeer, vir ons as Sy volgelinge getoon dat ons mekaar moet dien en Sy nuwe gebod moes nakom om mekaar lief te hê. Almal wat hulself Christene noem in Suid-Afrika is egter nie almal volgelinge van Christus nie, wat verwarring veroorsaak vir hulle wat opreg Christus wil volg, maar ook aanvallers van Christene toelaat om verdere verwarring in die wêreld te saai deur Christelike diens en liefde te diskrediteer. Kom ons vestig ons oë op ons Meester en Verlosser en besef dat die Heilige Gees die ware volgelinge van Christus sal openbaar.

Jesus, when He knew that He had to return to His and our Father, did show us as His followers that we need to serve each other and obey His new commandment, to love one another. All those claiming to be Christians in South-Africa are, however, not all followers of Jesus, which causes confusion among those who earnestly seek to follow Him, but also allow attackers of Christianity to sow further confusion in the world by discrediting the Christian love and service. Let us fix our eyes on our Master and Savior and realize that the Holy Spirit will make it clear who indeed are His followers.

Friday 30 October 2015


'n Gees van vernietiging, aangedryf deur politieke elemente, het die Suid-Afrikaanse jeug in ons tersiêre inrigtings gyselaar geneem om wanorde en geweld aan te hits en outoriteit te vernietig. Die gevolge is anargie en totale afbreek van bestaande tersiêre onderrig, sodat die nuwe geslag volwassenes ongeletterd en ongeskoold sal wees, beheerbaar deur enige mag wat werklose mense in armoede wil manipuleer. Alle soortgelyke aksies dwars oor die wêreld het uiteindelik getoon dat vryheid en vooruitgang skipbreuk gelei het. Is 'n rewolusie op hande? Mag God ingryp om die magte van die dood en doderyk te bind.

A spirit of destruction, driven by political elements, captured the youth in South-Africa and took them hostage to cause chaos and to fuel violence and destroy authority. The end result will be total anarchy and the complete destruction of tertiary education, leaving us a new uneducated and unschooled generation who can be manipulated and controlled when being jobless and in poverty. All similar actions all over the world proofed finally to be the downfall of freedom and progress. Is this a revolution at our doorstep? May God interfere and bind the spirits of death and hades.

Monday 21 July 2014

Suid-Afrika op pad na selfvernietiging / South-Africa on a road of self-destruction

Die huidige terrorisering van die inwoners van Suid-Afrika deur misdadige elemente in die samelewing word teweeggebring deur :
*die volskaalse korrupsie ter wille van selfverryking wat van regeringsvlak na onder deursyfer;
*die sogenaamde toepassing van "menseregte" ten koste van "laat reg en geregtigheid geskied" wat ons regstelsel en wetgewende gesag ingesypel het;
*die oopstel van landsgrense wat toegang van misdadige elemente na Suid-Afrika vergemaklik;
*die diskriminerende rasgesetelde regstellende aksie wat steeds verdeeldheid en rassehaat in Suid-Afrika aanwakker;
*die totale ineenstorting van polisie en verwante dienste weens onkundigheid, gebrek aan opleiding en infiltrasie deur misdadige elemente;
*die verval van die samelewing weens armoede, in die hand gewerk deur stygende belasting en lewenskoste;
*die wegkeer vanaf Godgesentreerdheid na selfgesentreerdheid

Die vraag is: wanneer eendag gaan die regering van die dag ingryp en Suid-Afrika op 'n wenpad plaas? Indien die meerderheid Suid-Afrikaners 'n regering daarstel wat nie instaat is om verandering mee te bring nie, sal die stembus verseker nie die gewenste uitwerking bring om Suid-Afrika te red van selfvernietiging nie.

‘Mr Kalky’ knifed in brutal attack

Children's hijack horrors

The criminal elements found in our society, who are terrorizing the citizens of South Africa at present, are directly the result of:
*the full scale corruption that trickles downwards from government level, in order to bring self-enrichment;
*the so-called application of "human rights" rather than that of "let justice prevail " which infiltrated our judiciary system and authority;
*the opening up of  the country's borders which lead to easier infiltration of criminal elements into South Africa;
*the discriminating racial-based affirmative action that still causes division and racial hate in South Africa;
*the total collapse of police and other related services due to ignorance, lack of  proper training and infiltration by criminal elements;
*the decay of society brought on by poverty and facilitated by rising taxes and living expenses;
*the turn away from being God-centered to self-centeredness.

The question is: when ever will the government of the day intervene and put South Africa on a winning track? If the majority South-Africans choose a government unable to bring change, the ballot-box will surely not be the answer to save South Africa from self-destruction.