Monday 2 November 2015


Tussen al die openlik demoniese moorde en korrupte, goddelose daaglikse gebeure in Suid-Afrika deur, wat geweldig toegeneem het gedurende die laaste 22 jaar onder die regering van die ANC, moet Christen volgelinge ook bewus wees van daardie goddelose mense wat hul geledere binnesluip en ook voordoen as Christene. Judas, die broer van Jakobus, was so geïriteerd deur hierdie goddelose mense, dat hy selfs die inhoud van sy brief verander het om sy mede broers en susters te waarsku teen hierdie goddelose sondaars. Judas het ons aangemoedig om onsself op te bou in ons heilige geloof, om te bid in die Gees en om in die liefde van God te bly terwyl ons op Jesus wag om ons deur Sy genade tot ewige lewe te bring. Jesus ons Verlosser is magtig om ons te bewaar van struikeling en om ons sonder gebrek voor ons Vader se heerlikheid te stel met gejuig. Aan ons Verlosser en enigste God kom toe heerlikheid, majesteit, krag en mag tot in alle ewigheid.

Among all the openly demonic murders and corrupt, ungodly daily occurrences in South Africa, which escalated profoundly under the reign of the ANC over the last 22 years, Christian followers also need to be aware of those ungodly people who infiltrate their ranks under pretension that they are also Christians. Jude, the brother of James, was so irritated by these ungodly people, that he changed the content of his letter to warn his fellow brothers and sisters about these ungodly sinners. Jude urges us to build ourselves up in our holy faith, pray in the Spirit and to stay in God's love while we await Jesus to bring us to eternal life through His mercy. Jesus our Savior is able to keep us from falling and to present us before our Father's glorious presence without fault and with great joy. To our Savior and only God belongs glory, majesty, power and authority for evermore.

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